You Can Write a Story!
A Story-Writing Recipe for Kids

You Can Write a Story! A Story-Writing Recipe for Kids
written by Lisa Bullard
illustrated by Deborah Haley Melmon
published by Two-Can Publishing
This book is out of print but it’s easy to find copies online from used bookstores.
This easy-to-follow story-writing recipe will take you step-by-step through the creative process. Learn how to mix ingredients like characters, settings and action. Stir them up to create conflict. Cook up a beginning, a middle, and an ending to your story. And finally, treat yourself and your friends to a feast of the imagination.
It’s a recipe that can be used again and again!
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A Peek Inside the Book

You Can Write a Story! by Lisa Bullard and illustrated by Deborah Haley Melmon. Text copyright © 2007 by Lisa Bullard. Illustrations copyright © 2007 by Deborah Haley Melmon. reprinted with the permission of Two-Can Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from the author or illustrator.
Bullard takes a clever approach to teaching children the basic steps in story composition by treating the process as a cooking exercise. She begins with the ‘basic ingredients’ of character, setting, and action, and then takes readers through the various ways they can add ‘flavorings’ to their stories, including ‘spicy settings,’ ‘tempting titles,’ and the all-important ‘taste test’ (revising). Each chapter includes a brainstorming exercise as well as a ‘practice with me’ section. The clear, engaging text speaks directly to a child: ‘Tip: Write the kind of story that you would most like to read.’ Melmon’s cartoon illustrations are bright, amusing, and strategically placed to add interest without being distracting. Budding authors will enjoy this book on their own, and it will be a boon to teachers or librarians trying to generate interest in creative writing.” (Grace Oliff, Hillsdale, NJ, School Library Journal)
Author Lisa Bullard has taught thousands of students about story-writing as part of a ‘Writers & Artists in the Schools’ program; now, she shares her secrets with young readers everywhere in You Can Write a Story!, a spiral-bound how-to writing guide for novice writers in the style of a cookbook, peppered with useful tips and charming color illustrations by artist Deborah Haley Melmon. ‘It is a great idea to put a problem into the beginning. Starting with a problem makes the reader pay attention. Here’s how my story might start with a problem: ‘Pete the polar bear didn’t have any friends. The Arctic animals laughed at him because he was purple.’ Step-by-step instructions, and an example story seen through to completion form the heart of this creative guide, enthusiastically recommended for elementary, grade-school, and public libraries.” —Midwest Book Review

You Can Write a Story! A Story-Writing Recipe for Kids
written by Lisa Bullard
illustrated by Deborah Haley Melmon
published by Two-Can Publishing
This book is out of print but it’s easy to find copies online from used bookstores.